Research strategy and ethics
Scientific research involves improving our knowledge through study, observation, reasoning and experimenting.
We apply various scientific disciplines to study past and present societies and natural environments in Africa, particularly Central Africa.
Our research relies on collaboration with universities and other institutions whose expertise complements our own and with whom we carry out multidisciplinary activities. Developing our network of African partners is a priority in this respect.
Our researchers conduct studies independently of any pressure from backers with ideological, commercial or political interests.
Our research is conducted according to the principles of the European Code of Conduct for Integrity in Research, namely:
- credibility by ensuring quality research with respect to its design, methodology, analysis and use of resources;
- honesty in the development, implementation, assessment and communication of the research carried out transparently, fairly, comprehensively and in an unbiased fashion;
- with respect for colleagues, research participants, society, ecosystems, cultural heritage and environment;
- responsible research, from design through to publication, management and organisation, training, supervision and its broader impact.