Tervuren Xylarium Wood Database

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(Burm. f.) Merr.

Familia: Meliaceae
Species name according to: Philippine Journal of Science 7: 237. 1912.
Accepted standard name: this name is accepted
Pictures from external sites
Features and microscopic photographs from Inside Wood database
Local and/or commercial names
Name Language Region Country Source
Atir Coster (1993)
Dembeo Coster (1993)
faux mangoustan french http://www.cabicompendium.org
Hira banga Coster (1993)
kacapi Indonesia http://www.cabicompendium.org
Katapi Coster (1993)
Katapi Tapi Coster (1993)
Kathon Coster (1993)
kecapi Indonesia http://www.cabicompendium.org
kechapi english http://www.cabicompendium.org
kechapi Malaysia http://www.cabicompendium.org
ketuat Indonesia http://www.cabicompendium.org
kom piing riech Cambodia http://www.cabicompendium.org
kra thon Thailand http://www.cabicompendium.org
Lakombana Coster (1993)
ma tong Thailand http://www.cabicompendium.org
Matawng Coster (1993)
Mojongkujanga Coster (1993)
Molosambonge Coster (1993)
sa thon Thailand http://www.cabicompendium.org
santol english http://www.cabicompendium.org
santol Philippines http://www.cabicompendium.org
santor Philippines http://www.cabicompendium.org
Satuh Coster (1993)
sau Vietnam http://www.cabicompendium.org
Sau Do Coster (1993)
Sentol Coster (1993)
sentul Indonesia http://www.cabicompendium.org
sentul Malaysia http://www.cabicompendium.org
Setul Coster (1993)
Tapi Tapi Coster (1993)
thitto Myanmar http://www.cabicompendium.org
toongz Laos http://www.cabicompendium.org
Specimens available at the Tervuren Xylarium