Tervuren Xylarium Wood Database

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(Miq.) Beumee ex K. Heyne

Familia: Sterculiaceae
Species name according to: Nutt. Pl. Ned. -Ind. ed. 2, ii. 1068 (1927).
Accepted standard name: this name is accepted
Pictures from external sites
Features and microscopic photographs from Inside Wood database
Local and/or commercial names
Name Language Region Country Source
Djerundung Coster (1993)
Kapajang Coster (1993)
kapas-kapasan Indonesia http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
Katjang Karang Coster (1993)
Katjang Parang Coster (1993)
Kembang Semangkok Malaysia http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
Kembang Semangkok jantong Coster (1993)
Kepajang Coster (1993)
merpajang Coster (1993)
merpayang Indonesia http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
Pajang Karang Coster (1993)
phungtalai Thailand http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
Priang Coster (1993)
Prong Coster (1993)
Pusing Coster (1993)
samrong Thailand http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
shaw taung-thinbow Myanmar http://delta-intkey.com/wood/
thaai Phao Coster (1993)
thaai Phao Daeng Coster (1993)
thaai Phao Khaao Coster (1993)
Specimens available at the Tervuren Xylarium