Tervuren Xylarium Wood Database

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Familia: Cactaceae
Species name according to: The Gardeners Dictionary: . . . eighth edition Pereskia no. ?. 1768.
Accepted standard name: this name is accepted
Cactus lucidus Salisb.; Cactus pereskia L.; Pereskia aculeata fo. rubescens (Houghton) Krainz; Pereskia aculeata var. godseffiana (hort.) F.M. Knuth; Pereskia aculeata var. lanceolata Pfeiff.; Pereskia aculeata var. rotundifolia Pfeiff.; Pereskia aculeata var. rubescens Pfeiff.; Pereskia godseffiana hort.; Pereskia pereskia (L.) H. Karst.; Pereskia rubescens Houghton; Pereskia undulata Lem.;
Specimens available at the Tervuren Xylarium