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6 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°16836 : fine-grained calcite with palygorskite admixture and arkose fragmentsMinerals: PALYGORSKITE CALCITEYear: 2012Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°16840 : weathered arkose with palygorskite veinsMinerals: PALYGORSKITEYear: 2012Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°16842 : white fine-grained calcite with palygorskite admixtureMinerals: CALCITE PALYGORSKITEYear: 2012Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°16849 : coatings of skalenohedral calcite crystalsMinerals: CALCITEYear: 2012Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°16851 : coatings of skalenohedral calcite crystals along opposite sides of fissure, on arkose substrateMinerals: CALCITEYear: 2012Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°16856 : pinkish massive palygorskite, with arkose fragmentsMinerals: PALYGORSKITEYear: 2012Country: Congo (RDC)