Mineralogy Database
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12 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°12476 : crust of bright small crystalsMinerals: VANADINITEYear: 1970Country: Morocco
Sample n°12477 : white crystals (1 cm) in oreMinerals: SKUTTERUDITEYear: 1970Country: Morocco
Sample n°12478 : bright small azurite crystalsMinerals: AZURITE BARYTE CERUSSITE FLUORITE MALACHITEYear: 1970Country: Morocco
Sample n°12479 : blue-green velvety spheres on black earthy substrate (7 cm)Minerals: ROSASITE MURDOCHITE PLATTNERITEYear: 1970Country: Mexico
Sample n°12480 : reniform ball (5 cm) with green crystals along surface, and isolated crystals, var. demantoidMinerals: ANDRADITEYear: 1970Country: Italy
Sample n°12481 : brown rhombododecahedral crystals (1 cm)Minerals: ALMANDINEYear: 1970Country: Austria
Sample n°12482 : small black crystals in white fibres (5 cm)Minerals: MAGNETITE TREMOLITEYear: 1970Country: Italy
Sample n°12483 : white plates on red micaceous material (6 cm)Minerals: HEULANDITEYear: 1970Country: Italy
Sample n°12484 : black block (12 cm) with yellowish crystals (2 cm) in geodeMinerals: STILBITEYear: 1970Country: Italy
Sample n°12485 : rosettes of pink needles and massive pink quartz on black blockMinerals: MORDENITE QUARTZYear: 1970Country: Italy