
Bambi Ceuppens

Culturele Antropologie & geschiedenis
Cultuur & Maatschappij
  • Ceuppens, B. 2023. ‘“Without Art Congo Is just a Mine”: Art as the Restauration of Shattered Bodies’. In: Pierre Philippe Fraiture (ed), Unfinished Histories: Empire and Postcolonial Resonance in Central Africa and Belgium. Leuven : Leuven University Press, pp. 315-335. (PR) ISBN: 978 94 6270 357 5.
  • Ceuppens, Bambi. 2011. ‘From “the Europe of the Regions” to the “European Champion League”: The Electoral Appeal of Populist Autochtony Discourses in Flanders’. Quentin Gausset, Justin Kenrick & Robert Gibb  (eds), Social Anthropology 20, special issue : The Uses and Misuses of ‘Indigeneity’ and ‘Autochthony’.  : 159-174.  (PR).
  • Viaene, Vince,  Van Reybrouck, David & Ceuppens, Bambi. (eds.). 2009. Congo in België: koloniale cultuur in de metropool. Series ‘Cauchie Reeks’. Leuven : Universitaire Pers Leuven. (PR)
  • Ceuppens, Bambi. 2006. ‘Allochthons, Colonizers and Scroungers: Exclusionary Populism in Belgium’. Peter Geschiere & Stephen Jackson (eds), African Studies Review 49, special issue : Autochthony and the Crisis of Citizenship: Democratization, Decentralization, and the Politics of Belonging. : 147-186.  (PR).
  • Ceuppens, Bambi & Geschiere, Peter. 2005. ‘Autochthons or Indigenous? New Modes in the Struggle over Citizenship and Belonging in Africa and Europe’. Annual Review of Anthropology 34: 385-407.  (PR).
  • Ceuppens, Bambi. 2001. ‘Le Vlaams Blok et le Flamand naturel’. Jean-François Bayart & Peter Geschiere (eds), Critique Internationale 10, special issue : J'étais là avant. Problématiques politiques de l'autochtonie. : 144-60.  (PR).
  • Ceuppens, Bambi. 1995. ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind: The Anthropologist as Actor’. Tom Claes (ed), Philosophica 55, special issue : The Place and Role of Culture in the Social Sciences and Philosophy : 117-175.  (PR).
  • Ceuppens, Bambi. 1993. ‘Narcissus, Pygmalion and Prometheus: The Politics of Identity and Alterity’. Cultural Dynamics 6: 300-324.  (PR).