
Kim Jacobsen

  • Brönniman, S.,  Allan, R.,  Ashcroft, L.,  Baer, S.,  Barriendos, M.,  Brázdil, R.,  Brugnara, Y.,  Brunet, M.,  Brunetti, M.,  Chimani, B.,  Cornes, R.,  Dominguez-Castro, F.,  Filipiak, J.,  Founda, D.,  Garcia Herrera, R.,  Gergis, J.,  Grab, S.,  Hannak, L.,  Huhtamaa, H.,  Jacobsen, K.,  Jones, P.,  Jourdain, S.,  Kiss, A.,  Lin, KE.,  Lorrey, A.,  Lundstad, E.,  Luterbacher, J.,  Mauelshagen, F.,  Maugeri, M.,  Maughan, N.,  Moberg, A.,  Neukom, R.,  Nicholson, S.,  Noone, S.,  Nordli, O.,  Olafsdottir, KB.,  Pearce, PR.,  Pfister, L.,  Pribyl, K.,  Przybylak, R.,  Pudmenzky, C.,  Rasol, D.,  Reichenbach, D.,  Reznickova, L.,  Rodrigo, FS.,  Rohr, C.,  Skrynyk, O.,  Slonosky, V.,  Thorne, P.,  Valente, MA.,  Vaquero, JM.,  Westcott, NE.,  Williamson, F. & Wyzynski, P. 2019. ‘Unlocking pre-1850 instrumental meteorological records: A global inventory’. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0040.1.  I.F. 8.166.
  • Almekinders, C.,  Walsh, S.,  Jacobsen, K.,  Andrade-Piedra, J.,  Mcewan, M.,  de Haan, S.,  Kumar, L. & Staver, C. 2019. ‘Why interventions in the seed systems of roots, tubers and bananas crops do not reach their full potential’. Food Security. ISSN: 1876-4517. DOI:  I.F. 2.970.
  • Hauser, S.,  Gold, C.,  Pausberg-Gauhl, C.,  Gauhl, F.,  Akello, J.,  Jacobsen, K.,  Norgrove, L.,  Coyne, D.,  Kumar, L.,  Mahuku, G.,  Kaushal, M.,  Nakato, G.,  Tripathi, L. & Tripathi, J. 2019. ‘Identifying and managing plant health risks for key African crops: banana and plantain’. In: Dr Peter Neuenschwander andManuele Tamò (eds), Critical issues in plant health: 50 years of research in African agriculture. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. (PR) ISBN: ISBN-13: 9781786762320.
  • Jacobsen, K.,  Blomme, G.,  Tawle, K.,  Muzemil, S. & Yemataw, Z. 2018. ‘Dietary diversity associated with different enset [Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman]-based production systems in Ethiopia’. Fruits 73 (6), special issue : Thematic issue Enset : 356-364. DOI:  DOI: 10.17660/th2018/73.6.6.  I.F. 0.644.
  • Blomme, G.,  Jacobsen, K.,  Tawle, K. & Yemataw, Z. 2018. ‘Agronomic practices with a special focus on transplanting methods for optimum growth and yield of enset [Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman] in Ethiopia’. Fruits 73 (6), special issue : Thematic issue Enset : 349-355. DOI: DOI: 10.17660/th2018/73.6.5.  I.F. 0.644.
  • Yemataw, Z.,  Tawle, K.,  Blomme, G. & Jacobsen, K. 2018. ‘Traditional enset [Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman] sucker propagation methods and opportunities for crop improvement’. Fruits 73 (6), special issue : Thematic issue Enset : 342-348. DOI: 10.17660/th2018/73.6.4.  I.F. 0.644.
  • Yemataw, Z.,  Bekele, A.,  Blomme, G.,  Musemil, S.,  Tesfaye, K. & Jacobsen, K. 2018. ‘A review of enset [Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman] diversity and its use in Ethiopia’. Fruits 73 (6), special issue : Thematic issue Enset : 301-309. DOI: DOI: 10.17660/th2018/73.6.1.  I.F. 0.644.
  • Jacobsen, K.,  Omondi, B.A.,  Almekinders, C.,  Alvarez, E.,  Blomme, G.,  Dita, M.,  Iskra-Caruana, M-L.,  Ocimati, W.,  Kumar, P.L. & Staver, C. 2018. ‘Seed degeneration of banana planting materials: strategies for improved farmer access to healthy seed’. Plant Pathology. DOI:  I.F. 2.303.
  • Bentley, J.,  Andrade-Piedra, J.,  Demo, P.,  Dzomeku, B.,  Jacobsen, K.,  Kikulwe, E.,  Kromann, P.,  Kumar, L.,  Mcewan, M.,  Mudegea, N.,  Ogero, K.,  Okechukwu, R.,  Orrego, R.,  Ospina, B.,  Sperling, L.,  Walsh, S. & Thiele, G. 2018. ‘Understanding root, tuber, and banana seed systems and coordination breakdown: a multistakeholder framework’. Journal of Crop Improvement. DOI:  (PR).
  • Blomme, G.,  Dita, M.,  Jacobsen, K.S.,  Pérez-Vicente, L.,  Molina, A.,  Ocimati, W. & Poussier, S. 2017. ‘Bacterial diseases of bananas and enset: current state of knowledge and integrated approaches towards sustainable management’. Frontiers in Plant Science. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01290.  I.F. 4.298.