
Antoine Dille

Antoine Dille
Department: Aardwetenschappen
Dienst: Natuurlijke risico’s
Functie: Fysisch geograaf

2014 - 2016: Master of Science in Geography - Profile Earth and Climate
KU Leuven (KUL) - Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

2011 - 2014: Bachelier en Sciences Géographiques
Univeristé Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)


February 2017 - present: PhD student, Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Museum for Central Africa, Belgium
October 2016 - January 2017: PhD student, Department of Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium


Laureate of the “Prize for Tropical Geography Yola Verhasselt 2017” awarded by the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences of Belgium for the project: “Characterizing the spatio-temporal dynamics of landslides in urban sprawling contexts: Focus on Bukavu (DR Congo)”


Master Thesis: Characterising and modelling lahars on Karthala volcano, Grande Comore


My current research is focused on the investigation of the mechanisms and spatio-temporal dynamics of landslides in urban-sprawling contexts of the tropics. The research focuses specifically on the rapidly expanding city of Bukavu, situated along the Lake Kivu in DR Congo. This study deals with state-of-the-art remote sensing satellite data (Synthetic Aperture Radar, Very High-Resolution Optical imagery...), ground-based measurement techniques (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, DGPS measurements,...) and a field-based geomorphological mapping. This research will serve as a support for forecasting and risk management systems in the Kivu region.