
François Kervyn de Meerendré

Natuurlijke risico’s
  • Karume, K.,  Kavotha, D.,  Kervyn, F.,  Lukaya, F.,  d'Oreye, N.,  Smets, B.,  Tedesco, D.,  Wauthier, C. & The GVO team. 2010. ‘Description of the January 2010 eruption of Nyamulagira (North Kivu, D.R. Congo)’. 6th International Conference "Cities on Volcanoes". Book of abstracts. Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.
  • Smets, B.,  Kervyn, M. & Kervyn, F. 2010. ‘Analysis of historical eruptive activity at Nyamulagira (North Kivu, D.R.C.): Implications for hazards’. 6th International Conference "Cities on Volcanoes". Book of abstracts. Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.
  • van Overbeke, A.-C.,  Bagalwa, M.,  Durieux, J.,  Kavotha, D.,  Kervyn, F.,  Kies, A.,  Lukaya, F.,  Mitangala, P.,  d'Oreye, N.,  Osodundu, E.,  Smets, B.,  Tedesco, D.,  Wauthier, C. & Yalire, M.M. 2009. ‘The importance of remote sensing in the monitoring of volcanic activity in the Goma region (D.R. of Congo)’. 2009 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium. Book of abstracts. Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Wauthier, C.,  Oyen, A.M.,  Marinkovic, P.,  Cayol, V.,  Fernandez, J.,  Gonzalez, P.,  Hanssen, R.F.,  Kervyn, F. & d'Oreye, N. 2009. ‘L-band and C-band studies of African volcanic areas’. Proc. of Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,2009 IEEE International,IGARSS 2009 II: 210-213. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2009.5418043 . URL:*%26searchField%3DSearch+All.
  • Wauthier, C.,  Cayol, V.,  Kervyn, F. & d'Oreye, N. 2009. ‘The January 2002 eruption of Nyiragongo volcano (DRC) captured by InSAR’. Proc. of Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,2009 IEEE International,IGARSS 2009 II : 416-419. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2009.5418043 . URL:*%26searchField%3DSearch+All.
  • d'Oreye, N.,  Calais, E.,  Oyen, A.,  Wauthier, C.,  Cayol, V.,  Delvaux, D.Smets, B.,  Sariah, E. & Kervyn, F. 2008. ‘A continental rifting event revealed by InSAR: The Lake Natron (Tanzania) 2007 seismo-magmatic crisis’. European Geosciences Union General Assembly. Book of abstracts. Vienna, Austria.
  • Delvaux, D.Smets, B.Wauthier, C.,  Macheyeki, A.S.,  Sariah, E.,  d'Oreye, N.,  Oyen, A. & Kervyn, F. 2008. ‘Tectonic setting of the July-August 2007 Gelai volcano-tectonic event, North Tanzania’. European Geosciences Union General Assembly. Book of abstracts. Vienna, Austria.
  • d'Oreye, N.,  Calais, E.,  Albaric, J.,  Deschamps, A.,  Delvaux, D.,  Déverchère, J.,  Ebinger, C.,  Ferdinand, R.W.,  Kervyn, F.,  Macheyeki, A.S.,  Oyen, A.,  Perrot, J.,  Saria, E.,  Smets, B.,  Stamps, D.S. & Wauthier, C. 2008. ‘Dyke intrusion in a youthful continental rift revealed by InSAR: The Lake Natron (Tanzania) 2007 seismo-magmatic crisis. (Invited Lecture)’. IAVCEI 2008 General Assembly. Book of abstracts. Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • Fernandez, J.,  Gonzalez, P.,  Kervyn, F.Wauthier, C.,  Frischknecht, C.,  Calais, E.,  Heleno, S.,  Cayol, V.,  Oyen, A. & Marinkovic, P. 2008. ‘Systematic InSAR monitoring of African active volcanic zones: What we have learned in three years, or an harvest beyond our expectations’. Proc. of the 2008 second workshop on USE of remote sensing techniques for monitoring volcanoes and seismogenic areas USEReST 2008. DOI: 10.1109/USEREST.2008.4740361 .
  • Smets, B.Kervyn, F.,  Tedesco, D.,  Vaselli, O. & Yalire, M.M. 2007. ‘The mazukus at south of Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira volcanoes (Democratic Republic of Congo): Hypothesis of formation and first risk assessment’. 26th ECGS Workshop, Active Volcanism and Continental Rifting with special focus on the Virunga (North Kivu, D.R. of Congo). Book of abstracts.