New exhibition 'Europa Oxalá'
Márcio Carvalho, Sabrina Belouaar, Roland Gunst & Aimé Mpane
Moderator: Ayoko Mensah
On the occasion of the opening of the new exhibition Europa Oxalá, the public is invited to the AfricaMuseum for a conversation with artists. The meeting is moderated by Ayoko Mensah, journalist and arts programmer at BOZAR. She will be talking to Márcio Carvalho, Sabrina Belouaar, Roland Gunst and Aimé Mpane.
From 1.30 to 2.30 pm you can visit the exhibition in the presence of some of the artists.

After the MUCEM in Marseille and Gulbenkian in Lisbon, the AfricaMuseum is hosting the travelling exhibition Europa Oxalá from 7 October in Belgium. The exhibition presents the work of 21 European artists whose family origins lie in the former colonies. These artists, who were born and raised in a post-colonial context, offer reflections on their heritage, memory and identity.
They have inherited not only the voices, sounds and gestures, but also the images and memories of their cultures of origin, which is the starting point of an important research work in historical archives. As a result, their artistic productions nourish an original reflection on racism, the decolonisation of the arts, and the deconstruction of colonial thought. They raise new questions from new territories and this constitutes an essential contribution to contemporary Europe.
The curators of the exhibition are Antonió Pinto Ribeiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal), Katia Kameli (artist) and Aimé Mpane (artist).
Join us each month for exciting talks with experts, scientists and artists!

Leuvensesteenweg 13, 3080 Tervuren
Free but registration is mandatory.
From 1.30 to 2.30 pm you can visit the exhibition in the presence of some of the artists.