
Hour info
From 12:00 to 23:00

On Saturday 25 May, Nana Benz will hold its annual Africa Day at De Roma (Antwerp), featuring conferences, book presentations, storytelling sessions for kids, a market, food stalls and music. The event is organized with the support of the AfricaMuseum.


A celebration is held each year to commemorate the foundation of the African Union on 25 May 1963. Africa Day celebrates African successes and diversity, shining a spotlight on the continent’s cultural and economic potential and spreading the knowledge of pan-African ideals in a bid to inspire Africans and members of the African diasporas in their contemplation of the future of the continent.

The guest country for this year’s Africa Day is Ghana. The event wishes to pay homage to the work of Kwame Nkrumah, the great pan-Africanist and first president of independent Ghana. His struggle for the independence of his country inspired many other African nations to seek their own.

The day will end with live performances and an afterparty.

Nana Benz asbl is an Antwerp-based non-profit created by Tetty Kayembe, Audrey Ikirezi and Eyram Amavi to promote African culture among members of the African diaspora in Belgium through cultural and educational activities.



De Roma

Turnhoutsebaan 286,

2140 Borgerhout


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Hour info
3:00 - 5:00 p.m.


Aimé Ntakiyica, Sammy Baloji & Aimé Mpane

Moderator: Ayoko Mensah

On the occasion of the opening of the new exhibition Europa, Oxalá, the public is invited to the AfricaMuseum for a conversation with the artists Aimé Ntakiyica, Sammy Baloji and Aimé Mpane.

The meeting is moderated by Ayoko Mensah, journalist.


After the MUCEM in Marseille and Gulbenkian in Lisbon, the AfricaMuseum is hosting the travelling exhibition Europa, Oxalá until 5 March in Belgium. The exhibition presents the work of 21 European artists whose family origins lie in the former colonies. These artists, who were born and raised in a post-colonial context, offer reflections on their heritage, memory and identity.

They have inherited not only the voices, sounds and gestures, but also the images and memories of their cultures of origin, which is the starting point of an important research work in historical archives. As a result, their artistic productions nourish an original reflection on racism, the decolonization of the arts, and the deconstruction of colonial thought. They raise new questions from new territories and this constitutes an essential contribution to contemporary Europe.

The curators of the exhibition are Antonió Pinto Ribeiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal), Katia Kameli (artist) and Aimé Mpane (artist).


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Leuvensesteenweg 13

3080 Tervuren

2 h

4 € (visit to the permanent and temporary exhibition included)

Hour info
3:00 - 5:00 p.m.


Only available in French.

Alternative date info

Leuvensesteenweg 13 - 3080 Tervuren

Hour info
2:00 > 5:00 p.m.
Dutch with simultaneous translation to French

Leuvensesteenweg 13, 3080 Tervuren


For free with registration

de chinezen

Hour info
7:30 p.m.
In French


Suzanne Monkasa, Paul Shemisi, Stéphane Kabila & Lies Busselen

Moderation: Marie-Reine Iyumva

Several Belgian institutions keep human remains from other countries in their collections. Since 2019, the AfricaMuseum has been collaborating with six museums and universities in the HOME project (Human Remains Origin(s) Multidisciplinary Evaluation). Researchers of the HOME project continued the inventory of all non-Belgian human remains kept in federal collections. They try to gain a better understanding of how and why these human remains entered museum collections.



Aimé Mpane's works, including the skull sculpture of Chief Iwa Ng'ombe Lusinga in the large rotunda of the AfricaMuseum. The skull is part of the inventory of human remains. The inscription of a register number on the original skull was reproduced by Aimé Mpane on this sculpture.


The AfricaMuseum focused on human remains from the colonial period and carried out provenance research in the colonial archives and field research in the DR Congo. Together with Congolese partners, the AfricaMuseum tried to capture how people in the DRC think about these problematic and painful 'collections' today. The Congolese partners – the Collectif Faire-Part in Kinshasa, the WAZA cultural centre in Lubumbashi and the Institut des musées nationaux du Congo (IMNC) – engaged in a dialogue with museologists, academics, politicians and descendants in the DRC.

What information did this research reveal? How were the various interlocutors involved both in the DRC and in Belgium? And what are the prospects for the return of the remains?

During this MuseumTalk, Marie-Reine Iyumva (AfricaMuseum public services) moderates a conversation with researcher Lies Busselen (AfricaMuseum), human rights defender Suzanne Monkasa (Platform of the Women of the Congolese Diaspora in Belgium), filmmaker Paul Shemisi (Faire-Part) and artist Stéphane Kabila (Waza).


About the speakers

Suzanne Monkasa of the Platform of the Women of the Congolese Diaspora in Belgium fights for women's rights in Belgium and Congo. She connects women from the Congolese diaspora with Belgian women's associations. She contributed to the implementation of UN Resolution 1325 within the former Women and Development Commission and drafted initial recommendations for possible repatriation processes as part of the HOME project.

Paul Shemisi started by working as camera assistant for foreign film crews. After having gained experience he studied cinema at Les Ateliers Action, a film program organized by the Superior Institute for Arts in Brussels. He has worked on various films as co-director, scenarist, producer and cameraman, including Renaud Barret’s Système K. He also contributed to the conversations with Congolese interlocutors on the collections of human remains and future possibilities of repatriation in the HOME project in Kinshasa. 

Stéphane Kabila has a background in philosophy and curatorial practices. Since 2018, he has been working on critical writing projects for the WAZA cultural centre in Lubumbashi. He recently became artistic director at Livingstone office for Contemporary Art in Zambia and is also a member of the Lubumbashi working group of the cluster Another Roadmap of Arts Education Africa. Currently he leads the artistic program of Afreximbank in Lubumbashi. As part of the HOME project, he initiated talks with Congolese interlocutors on the collections of human remains in Belgium and future possibilities for repatriation in Lubumbashi.

Lies Busselen is a historian and anthropologist. She worked for several years for 11.11.11. and lived for two years in Kinshasa where she worked as a representative of Viva Salud with Congolese movements for the right to health. Afterwards, she immersed herself in dealing with the colonial past in European world museums. Since 2020, she has worked on the provenance of collections of human remains and collaborated with Congolese partners on a network in Congo as part of the HOME project.

Marie-Reine Iyumva has a background in journalism and works in AfricaMuseum's public services as a member of the Partnerships programme. Her work focuses on making the collections accessible to the general public. Marie-Reine worked as a journalist for a few years before turning to the museum world.



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About 1.5 hours

Free, but registration is mandatory

Hour info
3.00 p.m.
French and English


Márcio Carvalho, Sabrina Belouaar, Roland Gunst & Aimé Mpane

Moderator: Ayoko Mensah

On the occasion of the opening of the new exhibition Europa Oxalá, the public is invited to the AfricaMuseum for a conversation with artists. The meeting is moderated by Ayoko Mensah, journalist and arts programmer at BOZAR. She will be talking to Márcio Carvalho, Sabrina BelouaarRoland Gunst and Aimé Mpane.

From 1.30 to 2.30 pm you can visit the exhibition in the presence of some of the artists.


After the MUCEM in Marseille and Gulbenkian in Lisbon, the AfricaMuseum is hosting the travelling exhibition Europa Oxalá from 7 October in Belgium. The exhibition presents the work of 21 European artists whose family origins lie in the former colonies. These artists, who were born and raised in a post-colonial context, offer reflections on their heritage, memory and identity.

They have inherited not only the voices, sounds and gestures, but also the images and memories of their cultures of origin, which is the starting point of an important research work in historical archives. As a result, their artistic productions nourish an original reflection on racism, the decolonisation of the arts, and the deconstruction of colonial thought. They raise new questions from new territories and this constitutes an essential contribution to contemporary Europe.

The curators of the exhibition are Antonió Pinto Ribeiro (University of Coimbra, Portugal), Katia Kameli (artist) and Aimé Mpane (artist).


Join us each month for exciting talks with experts, scientists and artists!

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Alternative date info


Leuvensesteenweg 13, 3080 Tervuren

About 2 hours

Free but registration is mandatory.


From 1.30 to 2.30 pm you can visit the exhibition in the presence of some of the artists.