Looking for an expert?

  • object assessments
  • identification of African animals
  • identification and dating of wood from around the world

For ethical reasons, no indication will be given as to the market value of such objects, and no opinion will be expressed as regards their authenticity.

Assessments are generally free of charge and by appointment.


Ethnographic objects from sub-Saharan Africa

Requests for the expert assessment of ethnographic objects must be sent - with a picture - by email to the following address: julien.volper@africamuseum.be 
PLEASE NOTE: It may take up to 3 weeks for such requests to be processed.

Julien Volper



African musical instruments

Every first Wednesday of every month.

Rémy Jadinon
+32 2 769 56 10


Geology and mineral resources from Rwanda, Burundi and the DR Congo

On request and in exchange for payment, assessments and consultancy services can be provided concerning the geological context of mineral sediments in Central Africa, based on the information in our archives.

> Rules of access to the library, map collection and archives (pdf, 152 KB)

Max Fernandez-Alonso
+32 2 769 54 31


Natural hazards in Central Africa

We carry out assessments and consultancy work concerning:



Animals from Africa



Non-insect invertebrates

Diplopoda, Crustacea, marine organisms, Arachnomorpha, vermes, Acari:
Didier Van den Spiegel
+32 2 769 54 11


We offer independent expertise services of wood species worldwide through the expertise centre ENFORCE:

  • identification of wood for the wood trade and industry, art history, archaeology, palaeontology, etc. This includes plywoods, particleboards, MDF, charcoal, etc.
  • wood dating via the study of growth rings.
  • wood origin detection

More information, cost and contact details can be found on the website of ENFORCE: https://enforce.africamuseum.be
Maaike De Ridder (https://www.africamuseum.be/nl/staff/884)
Michael Monnoye (https://www.africamuseum.be/nl/staff/2049)
Hans Beeckman (https://www.africamuseum.be/nl/staff/360)