‘Cahiers africains’ celebrates its 30th year and its 100th volume
‘Cahiers africains’, a renowned series
‘Cahiers africains’ is the successor to the ‘Cahiers du CEDAF’ series (1971-1992) and has been released on a regular basis since 1993 as a joint publication of the Royal Museum for Central Africa and L’Harmattan (Paris). All volumes, which are written in French, are peer-reviewed. ‘Cahiers africains’ provides tools to researchers with descriptive accounts of events, raw documents, chronologies, biographies of key players, and bibliographies. The primary goal of the series is to shed light on and understand the political and social changes taking place in Africa (with particular emphasis on Congo/Kinshasa and Central Africa as a whole).
The series covers a wide range of topics:
- the essence and ins and outs of the Congolese state and contemporary Congolese politics (more specifically governance, decentralisation, society-State relations, elections, the elites…)
- the evolution of Belgian-African relations. Manuscripts that pay special attention to the historical depth of the phenomena analysed are particularly encouraged.
- environmental management (environment and forest, participatory management, the mining sector…)
- historical evolutions
Every year, ‘Cahiers africains’ also releases the subseries ‘Conjonctures de l’Afrique central’, formerly ‘Conjonctures congolaises’.
The subseries contains contributions from numerous renowned experts from Congo, Europe and North America, and manuscripts from both established and emerging authors find their place there. It is an inexhaustible source of information for students interested in the social and political dynamics of the DRC.
Release of the 100th volume
The 100th volume, which coincides with the 30th anniversary of the series, focuses on wedding celebrations in Africa: