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20 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°742 : red block, crust of green needles (malachite), blue surface layer (chrysocolla)Minerals: CHRYSOCOLLA CUPRITE MALACHITEYear: 1927Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°744 : blue-green fibro-radial beds (pseudomalachite), green nodules (malachite)Minerals: MALACHITE PSEUDOMALACHITEYear: 1927Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°751 : siliceous block, coverd by green twinned crystals (5 mm) (libethenite) and blue nodules (chalcedony)Minerals: CHALCEDONY (quartz) LIBETHENITE QUARTZYear: 1910Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°755 : block of dark blue fibrous nodules (shattuckite), green nodules (malachite), olive-green crust (volborthite)Minerals: SHATTUCKITE MALACHITE VOLBORTHITEYear: 1910Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°1054 : red blocks with veinleits and geodes of blue and green quartz, pale blue layers of fibro-radial plancheite, fibrous green malachiteMinerals: PLANCHEITE MALACHITE QUARTZYear: 1910Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°1055 : black massive material, with green coatingsMinerals: TENORITE MALACHITEYear: 1910Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°1056 : layers of fibro-radial blue plancheite (1 cm) and other secondary minerals, in rock with quartz geodesMinerals: PLANCHEITE CHRYSOCOLLA MALACHITE PSEUDOMALACHITE QUARTZ VOLBORTHITEYear: 1910Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°1058 : block with olive-green surfaceMinerals: VOLBORTHITEYear: 1910Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°1059 : green fibro-radial nodules (2 cm) (malachite), green-olive crust (volborthite), blue geodes (quartz), blue veinlets (plancheite)Minerals: MALACHITE PLANCHEITE QUARTZ VOLBORTHITEYear: 1910Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°1060 : shiny pseudomalachite crust on red rockMinerals: PSEUDOMALACHITE CHRYSOCOLLAYear: 1910Country: Congo (RDC)