Mineralogy Database
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5 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°2004 : black crystals in large block of greisenMinerals: TANTALITEYear:Country: Rwanda
Sample n°2006 : black plates (4 cm) in block of greisen (12 cm)Minerals: TANTALITE QUARTZYear:Country: Rwanda
Sample n°2007 : black tabular crystals (2 cm) in micaceous quartzMinerals: TANTALITE QUARTZYear:Country: Rwanda
Sample n°2487 : black plates (2 cm) and needles in altered greisen (16 cm)Minerals: TANTALITEYear:Country: Rwanda
Sample n°2005 : crystals in greisenMinerals: TANTALITEYear:Country: Rwanda