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10 samples matching your criteria
Hierarchical browse >> oxides and hydroxides >> - >> IANTHINITE
10 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°2678 : sample with purple ianthinite crystals in geode, yellow schoepite needles and some wider crystals, orange vandendriesscheite crystals, massive curite, scoriaceous uraniniteMinerals: IANTHINITE SCHOEPITE VANDENDRIESSCHEITE CURITE URANINITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2687 : sample with yellow schoepite fibres, purple ianthinite needles (almost completely transformed), black uraninite needlesMinerals: SCHOEPITE IANTHINITE URANINITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°6357 : sample with fourmarierite crystals, fibrous rutherfordine, amber-coloured becquerelite crystals, mixed fibrous schoepite and ianthiniteMinerals: FOURMARIERITE IANTHINITE RUTHERFORDINE SCHOEPITE BECQUERELITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°6399 : sample with schoepite as yellow rosettes and yellow to orange crystals, yellow uranopilite crust, ianthinite as purple core of schoepite rosettes, pale yellow rutherfordine crystals and radial aggregates, possible pale yellow to white studtiteMinerals: IANTHINITE SCHOEPITE URANOPILITE RUTHERFORDINE STUDTITE URANINITEYear: 1958Country: France
Sample n°6430 : sample with yellow schoepite needles (transformed to ianthinite), fine black ianthinite needles, orange curiteMinerals: IANTHINITE SCHOEPITE CURITE URANINITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°13165 : sample with yellow schoepite fibres, ianthinite fibres altered to schoepiteMinerals: SCHOEPITE IANTHINITE URANINITEYear: 1974Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°13821 : sample with billietite as large amber-coloured crystals (in uranophane geode) and as fibrous yellow nodules (on uranophane), purple ianthinite needles and massive ianthinite, small golden yellow becquerelite needles and plates, small orange curite nodules, white and yellow radial uranophane aggregates, yellow schoepite needles on ianthinite, salmon-pink and red wolsendorfite crystals, red masuyite scales, black wulfenite needles, bright uraniniteMinerals: BILLIETITE IANTHINITE BECQUERELITE CURITE MASUYITE SCHOEPITE URANOPHANEYear: 1980Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°13823 : massive uraninite substrate, with discontinuous coating of alteration productsMinerals: BECQUERELITE IANTHINITE URANINITE URANOPHANE WOLSENDORFITEYear: 1980Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°13998 : sample with columnar billietite crystals with basal cleavage, ianthinite as brown to yellow fibres and purple powder, yellow soddyite crystalsMinerals: BILLIETITE IANTHINITE SODDYITEYear: 1983Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2710 : small fragments (epiianthinite)Minerals: IANTHINITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)