Mineralogy Database
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177 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°431 : massive block and crystals (3 mm)Minerals: DIOPTASE QUARTZYear:Country: Congo (Congo-Brazzaville)
Sample n°505 : rhombohedrons and green coatingsMinerals: CALCITE DIOPTASEYear: 1924Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°661 : shiny black core (tenorite), surrounded by Cu-silicate crustsMinerals: TENORITE CHRYSOCOLLA DIOPTASE KATANGITE (plancheite) PLANCHEITEYear: 1926Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°745 : band of green broken crystals in siliceous rockMinerals: DIOPTASE KATANGITE (plancheite) QUARTZYear:Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°750 : green crystals (dioptase), bottle-green crystals (rosasite), brown rosettes (willemite)Minerals: DIOPTASE CERUSSITE ROSASITE WILLEMITEYear:Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°996 : ferruginous substrate with veins of copper minerals and quartzMinerals: DIOPTASE HEMATITE QUARTZ CHALCEDONY (quartz) CHRYSOCOLLA GOETHITEYear: 1937Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°1062 : geodic rock with white quartz with dioptase spots, green crust (volborthite) and bright black needles (vesignieite)Minerals: CHALCEDONY (quartz) QUARTZ VESIGNIEITE DIOPTASE VOLBORTHITEYear: 1910Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°1120 : small crystals in geodic blockMinerals: DIOPTASEYear: 1933Country: Congo (Congo-Brazzaville)
Sample n°1134 : coalesced blue nodules forming a crustMinerals: PLANCHEITE DIOPTASEYear: 1946Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°1139 : broken crystalsMinerals: DIOPTASEYear: 1946Country: Congo (RDC)