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4 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°6445 : sample with black to green wyartite needles, white liebigite crust (mixed with uranophane), orange wolsendorfite in geode, black powdery uraninite, yellow schoepite needles, yellowish green uranophane substrateMinerals: LIEBIGITE SCHOEPITE WYARTITE URANINITE URANOPHANE WOLSENDORFITE WULFENITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°11417 : sample with black wyartite crystals in geode, schoepite as yellow needles and as centre of wyartite, wolsendorfite as single crystals and massive material, white-yellow liebigite, uranophane as yellow-green needles in geode and as white fibrous material, uraninite partly as crystalsMinerals: LIEBIGITE SCHOEPITE WOLSENDORFITE WYARTITE URANINITE URANOPHANEYear: 1967Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°13248 : sample with crust of pale green liebigite crystalsMinerals: LIEBIGITEYear: 1974Country: USA
Sample n°13390 : sample with bottle-green voglite laths, greenish yellow liebigite coatingMinerals: LIEBIGITE VOGLITEYear: 1976Country: Czech Republic