Mineralogy Database
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3 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°13698 : chocolat-brown schoonerite needles, white strunzite needles, brown whitmoreite nodules, on debris (2 cm)Minerals: SCHOONERITE STRUNZITE VIVIANITE WHITMOREITEYear: 1980Country: USA
Sample n°13700 : brown segelerite nodules, pink eosphorite needles, brown whitmoreite needles, on white debris (1 cm)Minerals: EOSPHORITE SEGELERITE VIVIANITE WHITMOREITEYear: 1980Country: USA
Sample n°13828 : bundle of black fibres (4 cm) on block with elongated crystalsMinerals: BEUDANTITE KOETTIGITE ARSENOPYRITE PHARMACOSIDERITE SIDERITE WHITMOREITEYear: 1980Country: Mexico