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Sample n° 6425
Minerals found in the sample
Mineral | Formula | Category | Subcategory | Importance |
URANINITE | UO2 | oxides and hydroxides | - | major |
geochronology - Cahen, L., Pasteels, P., Ledent, D., Bourguillot, R., Van Wambeke, L. & Eberhardt, P., 1961. Recherches sur l'age absolu des minéralistions uranifères du Katanga et de Rhodésie du Nord. Annales du Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Série In-8°, n° 41, pp. 1-53. // Decrée, S., Deloule, E., De Putter, T., Dewaele, S., Mees, F., Yans, J. & Marignac, C., 2011. SIMS U-Pb dating of uranium mineralization in the Katanga Copperbelt : constraints for the geodynamic context. Ore Geology Reviews 40, 81-89. // Eglinger, A., André-Mayer, A.S., Vanderhaeghe, O., Mercadier, J., Cuney, M., Decrée, S., Feybesse, J.L. & Milesi, J.P., 2013. Geochemical signatures of uranium oxides in the Lufilian belt: from unconformity-related to syn-metamorphic uranium deposits during the Pan-African orogenic cycle. Ore Geology Reviews 54, 197-213.
- Country: Congo (RDC)
- Region: Katanga
- Locality: Swambo
Donors: UMHKDonation year: 1958
Sampling year:Registration date:
Quantity: 1Size: 5 x 3 cm
Dimension code 1>2>3: 3Quality code 1>2>3: 1
Holotype: noParatype: noRadioactive: yes
Thin section: noChemical analysis: noX-Ray spectra: no