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Sample n° 11419
Minerals found in the sample
Mineral | Formula | Category | Subcategory | Importance |
MOLYBDENITE | MoS2 | sulfides and sulfosalts | - | major |
PENROSEITE | (Ni,Co,Cu)Se2 | sulfides and sulfosalts | - | major |
SALEEITE | Mg(UO2)2(PO4)210H2O | phosphates | - | major |
ANHYDRITE | Ca(SO4) | sulfates | - | minor |
BARYTE | Ba(SO4) | sulfates | - | minor |
SIEGENITE | CoNi2S4 | sulfides and sulfosalts | - | minor |
sample with saleeite as yellow crystals with red coatings, band of mixed sulfides (penroseite, siegenite), blue fibrous anhydrite crystals, brown baryte crystals
Deliens, M., 1975. Remplacement partiel du sélénium par le soufre dans la penroséite (Ni,Co,Cu)(Se,S)2 de Shinkolobwe (Zaïre). Bulletin de la Société Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie 98, 347-350.
- Country: Congo (RDC)
- Region: Katanga
- Locality: Shinkolobwe
Donors: GecominDonation year: 1967
Sampling year:Registration date:
Quantity: 1Size: 15 x 10 cm
Dimension code 1>2>3: 1Quality code 1>2>3: 1
Holotype: noParatype: noRadioactive: yes
Thin section: noChemical analysis: noX-Ray spectra: yes