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Sample n° 13781
Minerals found in the sample
Mineral | Formula | Category | Subcategory | Importance |
BIJVOETITE-(Y) | Y8(UO2)16O8(CO3)16(OH)839H2O | carbonates | - | major |
LEPERSONNITE-(Gd) | CaGd2(UO2)24(CO3)8Si4O2860H2O | carbonates | - | major |
OURSINITE | Co(UO2)2(SiO3OH)26H2O | nesosilicates | - | major |
BECQUERELITE | Ca(UO2)6O4(OH)68H2O | oxides and hydroxides | - | minor |
CURITE | Pb3+x[(UO2)4O4+x(OH)3-x]22H2O | oxides and hydroxides | - | minor |
RUTHERFORDINE | (UO2)(CO3) | carbonates | - | minor |
SKLODOWSKITE | Mg(UO2)2(SiO3OH)26H2O | nesosilicates | - | minor |
sample with yellow bijvoetite crystals with pyramidal terminations, radial aggregates of golden-yellow acicular lepersonnite crystals, bright white oursinite needles, honey-coloured becquerelite crystals, white fibrous sklodowskite aggregates, red curite needles
holotype of bijvoetite-(Y) and lepersonnite-(Gd) (IMA Catalogue of Type Mineral Specimens) // cotype of oursinite (Deliens & Piret, 1983) (holotype - n° 1321) // Deliens, M. & Piret, P., 1982. Bijvoetite et lepersonnite, carbonates hydratés d'uranyle et de terres rares de Shinkolobwe, Zaïre. Canadian Mineralogist 20, 231-238. // Deliens, M. & Piret, P., 1983. L'oursinite (Co0.86Mg0.10Ni0.04)O.2UO2.2SiO2.6H2O, nouveau minéral de Shinkolobwe, Shaba, Zaïre. Bulletin de Minéralogie 106, 305-308.
- Country: Congo (RDC)
- Region: Katanga
- Locality: Shinkolobwe
Donors: GecamineDonation year: 1980
Sampling year:Registration date:
Quantity: 1Size: 7 x 6 cm
Dimension code 1>2>3: 2Quality code 1>2>3: 1
Holotype: yesParatype: noRadioactive: yes
Thin section: noChemical analysis: noX-Ray spectra: yes