Bantu Lexical Reconstructions 3
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BLR 3 is a database with ca. 10,000 entries that have been proposed as Proto-Bantu reconstructions.
BLR 3 is meant to be a working tool for Bantuists and other linguists. BLR 3 is not a finished product, it is
continuously being updated by its present editors (Yvonne Bastin, Thilo C. Schadeberg).
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You can also freely download the standalone application of the "Bantu Lexical Reconstructions 3" database here (packed archive):
Database last updated on : November 6th 2005
Bastin, Yvonne, André Coupez, Evariste Mumba, and Thilo C. Schadeberg (eds) (2002)
Bantu lexical reconstructions 3 / Reconstructions lexicales bantoues 3.
Bantu lexical reconstructions 3 / Reconstructions lexicales bantoues 3.