

Geo-hydrological Hazards triggered by rain in Tropical Africa: a demonstrator for Rwanda to document the effects of Climate Change
GeoHaTACC aims to detect and inventory hydro-geological hazards in tropical environments and to document the consequences of climate change on these hazards. An operational toolbox combining various sources of information, the demonstrator is being implemented in Rwanda, an African country particularly impacted by these events, with a view to eventually being transposed to other territories.



2023 2025

Externe partners:

Jean-Philippe MALET, CNRS/EOST (coordinateur) (CNRS - Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre, University of Strasbourg), France
Aline DEPREZ, CNRS/EOST (coordinateur) (CNRS - Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre, University of Strasbourg), France