Tout passe, sauf le passé | Verteld verleden tijd

AfricaMuseum Podcast

Which objects can help us better understand Belgium's colonial past? And what important untold stories do these objects tell about colonisation? Historians and social scientists of the AfricaMuseum share the story behind one object, whilst uncovering fundamental aspects of colonisation.

Tout passe, sauf le passé | Verteld verleden tijd is a podcastseries in French and Dutch.


  • Podcast episode 1

    Het beeld van Ne Kuko: over koloniale roofkunst & herkomstonderzoek

    The provenance of several objects in the AfricaMuseum’s collection is controversial. Why was cultural heritage looted? Historian and anthropologist Maarten Couttenier traces the violent history of a statue all the way back to the Congolese village where it was stolen.

    episode in Dutch


  • Podcast episode 2

    Identités créées, identités encrées

    Rwanda was officially added to the Belgian colonial territory in 1924. In this episode, historian Dantès Singiza talks about the how and why of the identity cards that became compulsory for all Rwandans, and the far-reaching consequences this entailed.

    episode in French


  • Podcast episode 3

    Op maat van de overheerser: straf en straffeloosheid in de koloniale rechtspraak

    Historian Mathieu Zana Etambala discusses a photo of a violent reprisal by Belgian soldiers on Congolese chiefs at the time of the Congo Free State, in the context of the fight for the ivory trade. He shows how colonial justice was not based on any real justice, but worked with double standards.

    episode in Dutch


  • Podcast episode 4

    Patrice Lumumba à travers sa dernière lettre

    A few months after Congo's independence, Patrice Lumumba was assassinated. Political scientist Jean Omasombo Tshonda looks at his last letter, written a few days before his death, to discuss who Lumumba was, as well as his frustrations and hopes for true independence for his country.

    episode in French



The trailer in French:


The trailer in Dutch: