Catalogue of the Library of Independent Congo

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392 items matching your criteria

  • Hotel Rwanda ou le génocide des Tutsis vu par Hollywood.
    Year: 2008
    Author: NDAHIRO Alfred ; RUTAZIBWA Privat
  • Houles. Poèmes. Préface de W. B. Withankenge.
    Year: 1979
    Author: LUYA LAYE KELAKA ; WITHANKENGE, W. B. (préface)
  • Houphouët vivant.
    Year: 1993
    Author: BARRADA Hamid ; DIALLO Siradiou ; GAILLARD Philippe ; SOUDAN François
  • Household economy analysis of the rural population of South-Western Bwito, Rutshuru, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.
    Year: 2003
  • How Do You Spell Development ? A Study of a Literacy Campaign in Ethiopia.
    Year: 1983
    Author: SJOSTROM Margareta ; SJOSTROM Rolf
  • How does the distorted socio-economic structure impede the expansion of accumulation?
    Year: 1973
    Author: SZENTES Tamas
  • How enlightning is the thunder? Study on the Lord's Resistance Army in the borer region of DR Congo, Sudan and Uganda.
    Year: 2009
  • How Europe Underdeveloped Africa.
    Year: 1972
    Author: RODNEY Walter
  • How Extreme in the Precipitation at Lubumbashi, Congo, or the Elaboration of Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves for Precipitation, under the Hypothesis of Inadequate Data.
    Year: 2009
    Author: DEMAREE Gaston ; VAN de VIJVER Hans
  • How Kabila lost his way: The performance of Laurent Désiré Kabila's government.
    Year: 1999