Catalogue of the Library of Independent Congo

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528 items matching your criteria

  • U.N.R.: des ombres au tableau.
    Year: 1989
    Author: GASANA Anastase
  • U.S. Committee for Refugees Site Visit Notes. Site Visit to Eastern Cogo/Zaire: Analysis of Humanitarian and Political Issues.
    Year: 1997
    Author: BEDFORD Eleanor
  • U.S. Foreign Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: National Interest and Global Strategy.
    Year: 1978
    Author: PRICE M. Robert
  • U.S. interests in Africa. Hearings before the Subcomittee on Africa of the Committee on Foreign Affairs; House of Representatives; Ninety-sixth Congress; First Session; October 16-18-19-22-24-25-29; November 13 and 14 1979.
    Year: 1980
  • U.S. Military and Corporate Recolonization of the Congo.
    Year: 2000
    Author: RAY Ellen
  • U.S. Policy in the Great Lakes: A Critical Perspective.
    Year: 1998
    Author: LEMARCHAND René
  • U.S. Policy, the UN and the Congo.
    Year: 1967
    Author: LEFEVER Ernest W.
  • U.S.-Zaïre Relations: A Case of Imperialism?.
    Year: 1977
    Author: TURNER Thomas
  • Ubangi. Art et culture au coeur de l'Afrique.
    Year: 2007
    Author: GROOTAERS Jan-Lodewijk (sous la dir de)
  • Ubu au Zaïre.
    Year: 1972