Catalogue of the Library of Independent Congo

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1903 items matching your criteria

  • D V V : un palmarès élogieux.
    Year: 1975
  • D.R. Congo: Justice for horrific crimes needed. EU should provide funding for judicial reforms in D.R. Congo. RDC: justice doit être rendue pour les horrible crimes. L'UE drevrait financer les réformes de la justice en RDC. / DRC: Confronting impunity.
    Year: 2004
  • Da importância des estudos bantos para a compreensâo da problemâtica socio-cultural brasileira.
    Year: 1963
    Author: MESQUITELA Lima
  • Dag Hammarskjold and the 21st Centry.
    Year: 2001
  • Dag Hammarskjold Foundation. Documents.
    Year: 2000-2002
  • Dag Hammarskjold, United Nations pioneer.
    Year: 1961
    Author: LIPPMANN Walter
  • Dag Hammarskjöld.
    Year: 2005
  • Daily Activities and Social Association of the Bongando in Central Zaïre.
    Year: 1992
    Author: KIMURA Daiji
  • Daily Selection of IRIN Africa English reports : April 2006.
    Year: 2006
  • Daily Selection of IRIN Africa English reports : April 2006.
    Year: 2006