Arachnomorphae Collection & Systematics

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Browse by 'Collector' starting with letter 'L' : 12214 specimens found in the database

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Reg nb Full Name Collected by on Determinated by in
142805 Peucetia lucasi (Vinson, 1863) Lambillon A. V.1970 Benoit P.L.G. 1973
142937 Theridiidae sp. Lambillon A. X.1970
142938 Hahniidae sp. Lambillon A. X.1970
142939 Camillina fiana Platnick & Murphy, 1987 Lambillon A. X.1970 Platnick & Murphy 1986
142940 Prima ansiae Foord & Dippenaar - Shoeman, 2006 Lambillon A. X.1970 Foord & Dippenaar-Schoeman 2006
142941 Salticidae sp. Lambillon A. X.1970
142942 Linyphiidae sp. Lambillon A. X.1970
142943 Clubionidae sp. Lambillon A. X.1970
142935 Theridiidae sp. Lambillon A. X.1970
142936 Theridiidae sp. Lambillon A. X.1970
142968 Caerostris mitralis (Vinson, 1863) Lambillon A. XII.1956 Grasshoff 1984
142970 Tetragnathidae sp. Lambillon A. VI.1968
142971 Salticidae sp. Lambillon A. VI.1968
142972 Myrmarachne eumenes (Simon, 1900) Lambillon A. VI.1968 Wanless 1975
142960 Pholcidae sp. Lambillon A. VI.1969
142961 Thelechoris rutenbergi Karsch, 1881 Lambillon A. VI.1969 Raven R.J 1982
142962 Theridiidae sp. Lambillon A. VI.1969
142951 Opiliones sp. Lambillon A. VI.1964
142953 Schizomida sp. Lambillon A. VI.1964
142955 Theridiidae sp. Lambillon A. III.1967