Mineralogy Database
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6 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°6863 : white gonnardite nodules and white chabazite crystals in grey lavaMinerals: CHABAZITE GONNARDITEYear: 1954Country: Italy
Sample n°6864 : pale green crystals (0.5-3 cm) on black rockMinerals: CHABAZITEYear: 1954Country: Germany
Sample n°10905 : hexagonal chabazite crystals, white round calcite aggregatesMinerals: CHABAZITE CALCITEYear: 1966Country: United Kingdom
Sample n°11573 : star-shaped aggregates of pink plates (5 mm) on colourless fluorite crystalsMinerals: CHABAZITE FLUORITEYear: 1954Country: Germany
Sample n°14466 : coatings of well-developed zeolite crystals on basalt, originally designated herscheliteMinerals: CHABAZITEYear: 1987Country: Australia
Sample n°15861 : abundant translucent white cubic crystals in geodesMinerals: CHABAZITEYear:Country: Denmark