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4 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°1321 : sample with aggregates of white oursinite crystals, soddyite crystals and massive soddyite, phosphuranylite as yellow powder, orange kasolite bundles, metatorbernite crystalsMinerals: OURSINITE SODDYITE CURITE KASOLITE METATORBERNITE PHOSPHURANYLITEYear: 1932Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°2737 : sample with white oursinite needles and aggregates, pale yellow or white sklodowskite fibres, yellow soddyite crystals (partially black), yellow schoepite crystals on soddyite, orange and black curite needles, grey massive rutherfordine, white variscite mixed with rutherfordineMinerals: OURSINITE SKLODOWSKITE SODDYITE CURITE METATORBERNITE RUTHERFORDINE SCHOEPITE VARISCITEYear: 1950Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°6426 : sample with silky white oursinite rosettes, dull yellow schoepite crystals, rutherfordine as white powder, massive curite, soddyite crystals and massive soddyiteMinerals: OURSINITE SCHOEPITE SKLODOWSKITE CURITE RUTHERFORDINE SODDYITE URANINITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°13781 : sample with yellow bijvoetite crystals with pyramidal terminations, radial aggregates of golden-yellow acicular lepersonnite crystals, bright white oursinite needles, honey-coloured becquerelite crystals, white fibrous sklodowskite aggregates, red curite needlesMinerals: BIJVOETITE-(Y) LEPERSONNITE-(Gd) OURSINITE BECQUERELITE CURITE RUTHERFORDINE SKLODOWSKITEYear: 1980Country: Congo (RDC)