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6 samples matching your criteria
Sample n°6204 : sample with small yellow ranunculite crystals on phosphosiderite, small white strunzite needles, blue to pink phosphosiderite, possible brown frondeliteMinerals: RANUNCULITE STRUNZITE FRONDELITE PHOSPHOSIDERITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°6225 : sample with abundant yellow phuralumite needles, yellow ranunculite nodules and crusts on phosphosiderite, chocolat-brown goethite nodules, white-brown-pink strunzite needles, purple to pink phosphosideriteMinerals: PHURALUMITE RANUNCULITE GOETHITE PHOSPHOSIDERITE STRUNZITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°13698 : chocolat-brown schoonerite needles, white strunzite needles, brown whitmoreite nodules, on debris (2 cm)Minerals: SCHOONERITE STRUNZITE VIVIANITE WHITMOREITEYear: 1980Country: USA
Sample n°13877 : block of mixed phosphates (7 cm)Minerals: ROCKBRIDGEITE STRUNZITE VIVIANITE HUREAULITE PHOSPHOSIDERITE SEGELERITEYear: 1980Country: Portugal
Sample n°14238 : sample with well-developed prismatic phuralumite crystals, yellow ranunculite nodules, pink strunzite needlesMinerals: AUTUNITE PHURALUMITE RANUNCULITE STRUNZITEYear:Country: Congo (RDC)
Sample n°6207 : sample with yellow-orange ranunculite crusts and nodules, yellow upalite needles on yellow phosphuranilite crystals, white strunzite needles, metamict zircon, white fluorescent coeruleolactiteMinerals: RANUNCULITE UPALITE META-AUTUNITE PHOSPHURANYLITE STRUNZITE ZIRCON COERULEOLACTITEYear: 1958Country: Congo (RDC)