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138 archives found for 'Mackinnon, William'
HMS and William Mackinnon, 24,4 x 28,9
copy -
HMS and William Mackinnon, both seated in a chair, May 1890, 44,5 x 66,5
mounted on cardboard with the signatures of Mackinnon and Stanley -
Bronze statue of William Mackinnon, 10 x 14,5
mounted on card, ink inscription on the front and the reverse -
Scrapbook with various obituaries (mainly from the 1890's) of famous people and acquaintances, some articles on the Livingstone Hospital, the Thomas H. Parke Memorial, the state of affairs at the Congo State and execution of Charles Stokes (1895), the death of William Mackinnon and Alexander Low Bruce, c. 9 pp.
with several inserted cuttings -
LETTER BOOK, containing sponge paper copies, correspondence on the eve of the EPRE, mostly letters or telegrams sent by HMS and Sir Francis de Winton (Acting Secretary of the EPRE) (1886-1887), numbered 1-174 (incomplete), 4to
Copy-letters/telegrams from Sir Francis de Winton to John Pender (1), George S. Mackenzie (5), Messrs. Kynoch & Sons (1), Messrs. Forrest & Son (1), Comte Paul de Borchgrave (2), William Mackinnon (3), William Bonny (1), Sir John Kirk (1), William Burdett-Coutts (1), Messrs. Gray, Dawes & Co. (3), Robert Arthington (2), Arthur J. Mounteney-Jephson (1), Robert H. Nelson (1), manager Pacific Steamship Navigation Co. (1), Sec. of the Army and Navy Cooperative Society (1), Bywater, Tanqueray & Co. (1), Thomson (1), John Walker (1), Rowland Ward & Co. (1), Dr. Leslie (1), some addressees unknown, also "Memorandum by Sir Francis de Winton"; HMS to William G. Stairs (3), Edmund M. Barttelot (2), Sir Baker Russell (1), Baroness-Burdett-Coutts (2), Pearce Morrison (1), chamberlain of the City of London (1), Phil Robinson (1), Eric Barrington (1), William Mackinnon (12), John R. Troup (1), George S. Mackenzie (1), Sir Julian Pauncefote (1), General Hutchinson (1), J. W. Watson (1), Robert Arthington (1), Gray, Dawes & Co. (1), Robert H. Nelson (1), Hume Purdie (1), Messrs. Watson Bros. (1), Forest & Sons (1), Comte Paul de Borchgrave (2), Council Administring Congo Free State (1), some addressees illegible; also George S. Mackenzie to William Mackinnon (1), John Pender to HMS (1), extract from a letter to HMS from George S. Mackenzie, "List of goods (…) for shipment to Congo", "Instructions for Major Barttelot", "Instructions for Mr. [John R.] Troup and Mr. Ingham", note by James Augustus Grant, "Last instructions" -
LETTER BOOK containing sponge paper copies of letters by HMS, dealing with both the founding of the Congo State and the EPRE (August 1884 - August 1888), c. 190 pp., 4to
Copy-letters from HMS to Antoine Galezot (2), Smith, Payne & Smiths (3), Leopold II (1), Col. Sir Francis de Winton (4), Col. Strauch (2), Edward Virnard (1), "Re Railway Surveyors for Tropical Country" (1), Anton Greshoff (1), [illegible] (1), Count Paul de Borchgrave (4), James Francis Hutton (2), "Re Congo Steamers" (1), William Mackinnon (7), E. M. Mackenzie (1), Commander S.S. Serpa Pinto (1), J. de la Fontaine (1), A. Billington (1), John Rose Troup (2), C. E. Ingham (1), Charles Liebrechts (1), William G. Stairs (1) and the Chairman of the Emin Pasha Relief Committee (1); also despatches dated 09-03 and 31-05-1888 -
ADDRESS BOOK, pocket notebook (c. 1885-1890), 16mo, green leather, ink and pencil, 23 pp.
Containing among others addresses of William Hoffman, William Mackinnon, Agnes Livingstone Bruce, Dorothy Tennant, Greenleaf Webb Appleton, also a few memoranda -
LETTER BOOK, containing sponge paper copies of letters by HMS (May 1886 - January 1887), 110 pp., on loose sheets, 4to
Copy-letters from HMS to Gen. Henry S. Sanford (2), Dr. Carl Peters (1), Anton Greshoff (2), Sec. of the Royal Geographical Society (1), O. L. Stephen (1), James Bryce (2), Major Vetch (1), Edward King (1), James Francis Hutton (4), William Mackinnon (2), Anthony Bannister Swinburne (2), Dorothy Tennant (1), Whigh? (1), G. H. Leane (1), D. E. Davenport (1), John Baker (1), “Miss E.E.C. and Miss S.C. and Mr. & Mrs. M. with Miss J. included” (1), Baroness von Donop (1), E. C. Stead (1), “Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress” (1), Henrietta Stannard (1), John Dixon (1), Henry S. Wellcome (1), Mrs. Harford (1), Mary Amelia Stone (1), Hannah Liebert (1) Count Paul de Borchgrave (2), Herbert Ward (1), Gertrude Sanford (1), Charles Duval (1), Major James B. Pond (2), Greenleaf Webb Appleton (2), George Lund (1), Edward Marston (1), Thomas W. Knox (2), Mrs. Swinburne (1), Emma Fellowes Taylor (1), [illegible] (1), Dr. Alexander Mackay (1), Baroness Burdett-Coutts (1), Leopold II (2), Sir Reginald Hanson (2), Smith, Payne & Smiths (1), Lord Wolseley (1) and Messrs. Taylor, Hoare, Taylor & Box (1) -
Autograph journals (24 x 19,5) of Dorothy Tennant, containing daily accounts of her life, written in the form of letters to her deceased father, Volume XVIII (10-03-1890 to 04-10-1891)
With letters from Alfred C. Lyall to Dorothy Tennant, Savile Club, London, 19-11-1890 [with env.]; Eveleen Myers to Dorothy Tennant, s.l., 18-12-[1890] [incompl. copy]; John Hay to Dorothy Tennant, Washington, [Dec. 1890]; Dorothy Tennant to Richardson, Montreal, 11-01-1891; Alfred C. Lyall to Dorothy Tennant, Athenæum Club, London, 13-01-1891; Alfred C. Lyall to Dorothy Tennant, Athenæum Club, London, 05-02-1891; William Mackinnon to Frederic W. H. Myers, Balinakill, Clachan, Argyllshire, 02-01-1891; press cuttings on Stanley's Lecture Tour in America; Stanley's route on his 1890-91 U.S. lecture tour; birth announcement cards; table cards "Mrs. Stanley" and "The President"; memorandum Second National Bank to Stanley; short note in Swahili -
Autograph journals (24 x 19,5) of Dorothy Tennant, containing daily accounts of her life, written in the form of letters to her deceased father, Volume XIX (20-10-1891 to 11-10-1895)
With letters from Edward S. Holden to Dorothy Tennant, Lick Observatory, University of California, Mount Hamilton, 12-10-1891; [?] to HMS and Dorothy Tennant, New South Wales, 22-11-1891; George Grey to Dorothy Tennant, Parnell, 04-01-1892 [telegr.]; George Grey to Dorothy Tennant, Parnell, 05-01-1892; Dorothy Tennant to William Gladstone, Neath, South Wales, 04-10-1892 [copy]; William Gladstone to Dorothy Tennant, Chester, 07-10-1892 [with env.]; Dorothy Tennant to [?], Wanganui, [1892]; Lord Aberdare to Dorothy Tennant, Duffryn, Mountain Ash, South Wales, 10-01-1893; Thomas Henry Huxley to Dorothy Tennant, Eastbourne, 03-02-1893 [with env.]; Lord Aberdare to Dorothy Tennant, London, 11-02-1893; Alfred C. Lyall to Dorothy Tennant, London, 14-04-1893 [with env.]; Arthur Balfour to Dorothy Tennant, London, 21-03-1895 [telegr.]; Joseph Chamberlain to Dorothy Tennant, London, 21-03-1895; Baron Alphonse de Courcel to Dorothy Tennant, Ambassade de France, à Londres, 21-03-1895; Lord Roberts to Dorothy Tennant, Kingsbury, Middlesex, 21-03-1895; Margot Asquith to Dorothy Tennant, London, 22-03-1895; Sir Henry Doulton to Dorothy Tennant, London, 23-03-1895; Alfred C. Lyall to Dorothy Tennant, s.l., s.d. [fragm.]; George Grey to HMS, Parnell, 05-01-1891; William Gilbert to HMS, Moonee Ponds, 13-11-1891; William Mackinnon to HMS, Auckland, 04-01-1892 [telegr.]; Lord Acton to Gertrude Tennant, The Athenæum, London, 21-03-1895; press cuttings relating to Stanley's addresses, Uganda, etc.; lecture flyers, invitations, etc. -
Letters from Dorothy Tennant to Gertrude Tennant, on her cruise with Sir William Mackinnon and his party in Scotland, August - September 1892, s.l. (11 pieces) -
Letter from William Mackinnon to Dorothy Tennant, proposing to talk over with her the possibilities of Stanley's position, 04-08-[1888], "En route to Cowes" -
Letter from William Mackinnon to Dorothy Tennant, announcing his departure for London, 03-05-1889, Palais de Bruxelles -
Letter [copy] from Dorothy Tennant to William Mackinnon, suggesting an inscription to a Stanley shield, 26-06-1890, London -
Letter from William Mackinnon to Dorothy Tennant, thanking Dorothy for her "affectionate regard", expressing his desire to engage Stanley in East Africa, 03-10-1890, Balinakill, Clachan, Argyllshire -
Letter from William Mackinnon to Dorothy Tennant, mentioning a "nice kindly affectionate" letter he received from Stanley, 18-01-1893, London -
Letter [with envelop] from Leopold II to Dorothy Tennant, enclosing a letter from Comte de Borchgrave to Stanley, on the death of Sir William Mackinnon, 28-06-1893, Brussels -
Facsimiles of two letters from HMS to James Francis Hutton, 09-12 and 13-12-1884, one letter to [?], 24-10-1884, two letters to James Arthur Hutton, William Mackinnon and James Francis Hutton -
Prefatory letter from HMS to Sir William Mackinnon, autograph draft, 8 pp., folio -
H. Thomson, Smith, Mackenzie & Co., Zanzibar, December 1889
Note: Four letters. Various copies of telegrams from William Mackinnon, the Emin Pasha Relief Committee, Colonel Euan Smith and George S. Mackenzie, addressed to HMS or Emin Pasha -
Letter from Gertrude Tennant to HMS, on Stanley's state of health, introducing a servant to him, London, 15-02-1886 -
Transcripts of telegrams sent by HMS to William Mackinnon (4), George S. Mackenzie (1), Lord Wolseley (1) and James Gordon Bennett (1), January-February 1887 -
List of subscriptions to the William Mackinnon Memorial, 06-02-1897 -
Newsletter of the William Mackinnon Memorial Fund, 1900 -
Letter from Alexander Low Bruce to HMS, on William Mackinnon and Peter Denny becoming members of the Scottish Geographical Society, arrangements for Stanley's coming lectures in Scotland, Scottish Geographical Society, Edinburgh, 09-11-1884 -
Letter from Alexander Low Bruce to HMS, informing him of an invitation by William Frederick Webb, begging of him to use his influence with William Mackinnon to stand for Argyleshire, Edinburgh, 14-03-1885 -
Letter from Alexander Low Bruce to HMS, enclosing a "most satisfactory" note from William Mackinnon, on the trek of the Boers into Mashonaland, London, 24-05-1891 -
Letter from Alexander Low Bruce to HMS, stressing that "no Report will be issued that has not your full approval", about "that other [EPRE] Report" and the alleged responsibility of William Mackinnon for it, Edinburgh, 13-06-1891 -
Letter from Alexander Low Bruce to HMS, about William Mackinnon's difficulties, "he perhaps has not the promptness of purpose and resolution he formerly had", Edinburgh, 01-10-1891 -
Letter from Alexander Low Bruce to HMS, mentioning William Mackinnon's defence of the Established Church of Scotland, Captain Robert H. Nelson's application for East Africa, Arthur J. Mounteney-Jephson's lecture for the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce on Uganda, on the Uganda railway, Imperial B, Abbey & Holyrood Breweries, Edinburgh, 19-01-1892 -
Letter from Alexander Low Bruce to HMS, about the situation of the Conservative party in North Lambeth, William Mackinnon being in a state of health that he cannot organize any fresh enterprise and no one else caring to take the initiative, mentioning the possibility of Stanley becoming Admini, Edinburgh, 02-01-1893 -
Letter from Alexander Low Bruce to HMS, mentioning his meetings with Peter Mackinnon (nephew of William Mackinnon) and Mr. Hall, about Sir Gerald Portal's mission, the political situation in North Lambeth, Edinburgh, 03-09-1893 -
Letter from Colonel Strauch to HMS, about the French persistence "in their intention to taking from us all the territories (…) in exchange of their pretensions upon the left bank of Stanley Pool", advising him to go to the Foreign Office with William Mackinnon and acquaint confidentially J, President of C.É.H.C. and A.I.A. 1878-85, Berlin, 08-12-1884 -
Letters from William G. Stairs to William Mackinnon, offering himself as a volunteer for the EPRE, s.l., December 1886 (2 pieces) -
Letter from Robert H. Nelson to HMS, thanking for his letter to William Mackinnon, Leeds, 11-05-1891 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to [?], about William Bonny's application for the EPRE, London, 15-12-1886
Note: With a note written by Frederick John Goldsmid on 28-12-1886 -
Letter [typewritten copy] from Edmund M. Barttelot to William Mackinnon, informing him of his return to Tippu Tip [at Stanley Falls], on the allegations by Assad Farran against James S. Jameson, Singatini, 08[sic, 05]-07-1888 -
Letter [typewritten copy] from James S. Jameson to William Mackinnon, on the death of Major Edmund M. Barttelot, his trip to Stanley Falls in order to make an arrangement with Tippu Tip, Stanley Falls, 03-08-1888 -
Letter from John Rose Troup to William Mackinnon, asking him to use his influence to induce Stanley to recognise his services publicly, near Exeter, 27-05-1890 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, regarding a Steamer trip to the Hebrides, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyleshire), 09-05-1878 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, regarding a Steamer trip to the Hebrides, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyleshire), 25-07-1878 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, offering to reduce to one half the ordinary fare "your young African friend's passage hence", Balinakill, Clachan (Argyleshire), 22-08-1882 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, announcing the departure of the Chittagong from Bombay for Zanzibar, London, 08-11-1882 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, congratulating him on his return from Africa, begging to meet him, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyleshire), 14-08-1884 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, deploring the conduct of France at the Berlin Conference, on the recruitment of Chinese coolies and Indian Sepoys, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyleshire), 26-12-1884 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, about his election defeat, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyleshire), 12-12-1885 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, regarding contributions to the Emin Pasha fund by Alexander Low Bruce and Baroness Burdett-Coutts, "anxiously awaiting information as to whether the authorities and the Sultan of Zanzibar [Seyyid Barghash] will approve of the Congo route", Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 07-01-1886 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, begging of him to make "as few alterations as possible in the terms of the King's [Leopold II] draft", New Club, Edinburgh, 15-01-1886 -
Letter [incomplete] from William Mackinnon to HMS, announcing to take £10.000 in the Congo Railway, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 16-01-1886 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, regarding the lawyers appointed by Stanley, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyleshire), 23-01-1886 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, "just a line to say how glad we are to hear from you", London, 26-04-1886 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, "the dinner tonight is at 7 [o'clock]", London, April 1886 -
Letter [with copy] from HMS to William Mackinnon, declaring his willingness to undertake the relief of Emin "without hope of fee or reward", London, 15-11-1886 -
Telegram from William Mackinnon to HMS, "your plan and offer accepted", London, [11-12-1886] -
Telegram from William Mackinnon to HMS, confirming his telegram of 11th of December, London, 13-12-1886 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, begging to proceed immediately with the preparations for the EPRE, London, 27-12-1886 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, informing him of King Leopold's preference for the Congo route for the EPRE, Western Club, Glasgow, 04-01-1887 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, on the decision to take the Congo route for the EPRE, Western Club, Glasgow, 05-01-1887 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, on the decision to take the Congo route for the EPRE, Steamship Grenadier, 06-01-1887 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, deploring that "the King [Leopold II] has intervened at so late a point in the arrangements", Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 10-01-1887 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, on taking the Congo route for the EPRE, "I hope there will be obstacles placed on the way of your return by the route north of the country under German influence", Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 11-01-1887 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, regarding a farewell dinner for Stanley, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 11-01-1887 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, wishing him "a pleasant time" with King Leopold II, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 14-01-1887 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, regarding supplies to be procured by the Congo State to the EPRE, about Stanley's coming reception by Sultan Barghash of Zanzibar, the decision by the Emin Relief Committee of not permitting Dr. Leslie to go with the EPRE, "I have no doubt we can get a v, London, 28-01-1887 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, regarding provisions to be procured by the Congo State to the EPRE, rumours in the press that Emin Bey is on his way to the East Coast, Netherlands India Steam Navigation Co. Limited, London, 28-01-188[7] [letter misdated 1888] -
Telegrams from William Mackinnon to HMS, regarding the EPRE, s.l., 1887 (12 pieces) -
Letter [with copy] from William Mackinnon to HMS, "I cannot tell you what pleasure and delight it gave us to hear of you once more", expressing his wish for Stanley to act as Chief Administrator of the East Africa Company at Mombasa, announcing the sending of scouts to get information as to the route on, Cannes, France, 05-04-1889 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, expressing his thankfulness at Stanley's return, "I am sure you and Emin have completed satisfactory arrangements long ago", London, 22-11-1889 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, regarding Stanley's reception at Zanzibar, "of course it would have been pleasant had you been able to come with your Caravan to Mombasa", asking about the opportunities presented to Stanley to get Uganda "under our influence", London, 29-11-1889 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, "what changes have taken place since you left us!", mentioning the interest the British Royal family and the King Leopold took in Stanley's work, on Stanley's return to London and reception there, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 25-12-1889 -
Telegram from William Mackinnon to HMS, "delighted learn safe arrival egypt", London, 14-01-1890 -
Telegram from William Mackinnon and Arthur J. Mounteney-Jephson to HMS, concerning Stanley's return to England, London, 18-01-1890 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, showing his anxiousness "to learn your views about our East African work and get your help to a vigorous prosecution of it", informing him of the King Leopold's wish "to have you back again", also mentioning Queen Victoria's desire to be the first to rec, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 22-01-1890 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, "I think my views about the E.A.Co. [East Africa Company] are quite in accordance with yours", asking him to write one more letter to the Emin Committee, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 29-01-1890 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, "we long to see and welcome you", London, 07-03-1890 -
Telegrams from William Mackinnon to HMS, regarding Stanley's return to England and his reception there, s.l., March 1890 (6 pieces) -
Telegrams from William Mackinnon to HMS, in code language, mainly about Emin Pasha ("biography"), s.l., April 1890 (5 pieces) -
Telegram from William Mackinnon to HMS, on Stanley's reception in England, Cannes, 09-04-1890 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, asking him on behalf of Lord Salisbury for a little map "showing as accurately as possible the ground covered by your treaties", informing him of the approval of the Congo agreement by the Board of the IBEAC, London, 12-05-1890 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, "what a grand reception you had last night!", informing Stanley of the wish of the Duke of Argyll to meet him, London, 15-05-1890 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, about Stanley's engagements, "your book [In Darkest Africa] however must be got thro' before you can give up time to other things", s.l., 17-05-[1890] -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, "Parmenter has been here talking over the Sanford Co. claim", London, 28-05-1890 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, enclosing a note from John R. Troup, "my object is if possible to preserve good feeling among all the members of your Staff (…)", mentioning an interview he had with Lord Salisbury about the delimitation of spheres, London, 04-06-1890 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, about his conversation with the Prince of Wales, "from the tone he and others who know what is going on spoke I have great hopes that an arrangement (…) is nearly made with the Germans!", calling governmental support for the Congo Railway "the solution o, London, 16-06-1890 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, asking him whether King Leopold will come to his marriage, about Stanley's wedding present, London, 01-07-1890 -
Telegram from William Mackinnon to HMS, informing him of the withdrawal of his steamer lunch, London, 05-07-1890 -
Telegram from William Mackinnon to HMS, about "circular delimitation Round Mfumbiro and the german wedge north of the mountain between British and Congo Boundary", London, 09-07-1890 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, about his rest, his meeting with King Leopold, "the time may come when you will perhaps (…) take up the work of the I.B.E.A.Co. [Imperial British East Africa Company]", questioning the qualities of Francis de Winton, Portree, Skye, 09-10-1890 -
Telegram from William Mackinnon to HMS, congratulating him on his having received an honorary L.L.D. from the University of Cambridge, Edinburgh, 25-10-1890 -
Telegram from William Mackinnon to HMS, "expecting your return [from the U.S.] with great pleasure", Paris, 10-04-1891 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, welcoming him back from the U.S., "there is no end to the incessant demands on me in connection with East Africa and India", London, 20-04-1891 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, regarding a draft report about the EPRE, possible employment for Robert H. Nelson in East Africa, the recruitment of Zanzibaris for William G. Stairs, "our officials are not dealing as kindly with the King's [Leopold II] operation as they should", London, 27-05-1891 -
Letter from HMS to William Mackinnon, deploring Mackinnon's alleged assistance of "a notorious blackmailer in the person of the slanderous negro George Williams (Colonel)", and regretting his having permitted a clerk in his office "to draw up and print a pamphlet which virtually condemned me, Swansea, 06-06-1891 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, expressing his vexedness at the general tone of Stanley's letter to him of 6 June, London, 08-06-1891 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, expressing his anxiety to talk over with him the future of the IBEAC, Homburg-les-Bains (Bad Homburg), 29-06-1891 -
Letter from HMS to William Mackinnon, regarding Frederick Lugard and the future of the IBEAC, Mürren, Switzerland, 16-07-1891 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, about Stanley's broken leg incident, Oban, 07-09-1891 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, expressing his desire to talk to him, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 23-09-1891 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, about the withdrawal of the IBEAC from Uganda, concerning action against Tippu Tip, expressing his desire for Stanley "to control the [Imperial British East Africa] Company's affairs and direct its operations in East Africa", Tobermory, 28-09-1891 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, welcoming him back from Australia, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 25-03-1892 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, requesting him to meet Dr. Pentecost, funeral of Sir Lewis Pelly, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 25-04-1892 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, inviting him for a dinner with Lady Alice Portal, London, 27-04-1892 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, "I have been in communication with the authorities about the 'presentation'", London, 06-05-1892 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, complaining about Sir William Harcourt's opposition to the IBEAC, London, 04-06-1892 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, "I should have liked so much to have been at home to meet you", London, 07-06-1892 -
Telegram from William Mackinnon to HMS, wishing him an election victory, Tarbert, Loch Fyne, 05-07-1892 -
Telegram from William Mackinnon and Arthur J. Mounteney-Jephson to HMS, on Stanley's election defeat, Clachan, 06-07-1892 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, inviting him and Dorothy for a cruise on the Cornelia, Strathaird, Isle of Skye, 30-07-1892 -
Telegram from William Mackinnon to HMS, "greatly appreciate your letter", Clachan, 12-10-1892 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, about his meeting with Cecil Rhodes, London, 20-12-1892 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, about his decreasing health, Stanley's political future, Dover, 26-12-1892 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, begging him to come to talk about Uganda, London, 12-[11 or 12]-1892 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, begging him to come to talk over Uganda, s.l., 1892 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, begging to see him, s.l., 1892 -
Telegram from William Mackinnon to HMS, "to say how delighted I am to hear of the successful [election?] meeting you had last night", s.l., 1892 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, about his health condition, enclosing a letter from Greenleaf Webb Appleton, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 06-02-1893 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, about his health condition, enclosing a letter from Greenleaf Webb Appleton, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 28-02-1893 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, about lecture agent Greenleaf Webb Appleton, sending an acrostic in Gladstone's name, resignation from the Chairmanship of the IBEAC, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 15-03-1893 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, on Stanley's friend Barton electioneering for the Royal Geographical Society, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 21-03-1893 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, cancelling his attendance at a dinner of the Newsvendors Benevolent Institution, Balinakill, Clachan (Argyllshire), 25-04-1893 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to HMS, concerning Greenleaf Webb Appleton, London, 26-05-1893 -
Letter [copy] from William Mackinnon to Lord Iddlesleigh, regarding a memorandum which suggests the organisation of a Committee to equip and send out a relief expedition to Emin Bey, s.l., 27-11-1886 -
Letter from Horace Waller to William Mackinnon, on the coming EPRE, Thrapston, 23-12-1886 -
Letter [copy] from William Mackinnon to Seyyid Barghash (Sultan of Zanzibar), thanking him for his assistance of men to the EPRE, explaining the reason for selecting the Congo route, London, 28-01-1887 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to Captain Cecil Johnson, regarding Johnson's application for the IBEAC, London, 11-11-1889 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to Alexander Murdoch Mackay, showing his gladness at Mackay's return, transmitting King Leopold's wish to use Mackay's services for some time longer, "we feel that [King Leopold] has behaved so handsomely in connection with the [Emin Pasha Relief] Expedition that we must leave it to, London, 06-12-1889 -
Letter from William Mackinnon to Alexander Low Bruce, mentioning Stanley's future in East Africa and the Emin Relief Committee Report, London, 22-05-1891 -
Letter from M. S. Simpson to William Mackinnon, regarding the degree of L.L.D. offered to Stanley, Edinburgh, 08-05-[ ] -
Letters from Charles W. Howard (on behalf of William Mackinnon) to HMS, s.l., May - June 1893 (3 pieces) -
Letters from Peter Mackinnon (nephew of William Mackinnon) to HMS, on the death and funeral of William Mackinnon, s.l., June 1893 (3 pieces) -
Telegram from Leopold II to HMS, about the death of William Mackinnon, Brussels, 22-06-1893 -
Letter from Peter Mackinnon (nephew of William Mackinnon) to HMS, congratulating him on his election victory, sending a record of a conversation with William Mackinnon, Rosemount, Campbeltown, 05-08-1895 -
Letter from Rev. George F. Pentecost to Peter Mackinnon (nephew of William Mackinnon), relating a conversation with William Mackinnon a few days before his death, London, 03-08-1893 -
Letter from George S. Mackenzie to HMS, regarding the case against Tippu Tib in the court, London, 09-06-1891 -
Correspondence Greenleaf Webb Appleton with William Mackinnon, concerning his action against Stanley, s.l., 1893 (5 pieces) -
Letter from Phipps & Watkins (Greenleaf Webb Appleton's solicitors) to William Mackinnon, informing Mackinnon of his subpoena, London, 23-05-1893 -
Letter from HMS to Dorothy Tennant, regarding William Mackinnon's invitation to Richmond Terrace, London, 18-01-1886 -
Letter [draft] from HMS to Major Roderic Owen, concerning the treaty between William Mackinnon and the Congo State, London, 23-11-1894